Be like Tony

Tony has a discerning eye. Tony get his news from sources outside the mainstream. Tony likes to express himself not with the trinkets and baubles of a shallow consumer system, but with unusual and arresting objects that inspire him. The things that surround Tony are carefully selected, lovingly cared for and regularly appreciated, because Tony doesn’t have room in his life for short-lived chaff, or disposable sentiments. He chooses things, people, experiences, because they form a connection – between him and somewhere, some time or some feeling that has made a memory worth cherishing. You can tell all of this by looking at the things that Tony surrounds himself with. Nowadays people call this ‘curating’. Curating your wardrobe, your music collection, your salad at lunchtime, for fuck’s sake. Call it what you like- Tony doesn’t call it anything. Tony’s not into fads like that. Tony is just happy to have found a limited edition giclee print that for some reason he kinda likes.